A sponsor in AA had me read “Sermon on the Mount” by Emmet Fox about 35 years ago. I was deeply moved by the Saviors’ words way back then, but it didn’t stick…I was young and stubborn, living by the ways of the world. But I never forgot that book and recently read it again. This time around, I really took the teachings to heart. When I saw this on Lew Rockwell, I figured I had better take a look and I’m glad I did.

I smelled a rat in early 2020 when word of Covid first came out. I never even considered getting the jab and did my best to ignore the masking and social distancing, etc. That we will remain in the crosshairs of evil humans is no longer a question, but an absolute certainty. Thanks for a great read.

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Very few are willing - and able - to substitute God's definition of right and wrong for their own. "Christianity" is almost universally dominated by those who decide for themselves what and what not to believe, thereby defining their "god" as no larger than their own intellect. Actively and joyously seeking, discovering, and putting into practice God's will while sublimating and setting aside our personal judgment is not for the faint of heart. But it is clearly what God requires (Matthew 7:21-23). Five times in John 14 and 15 Jesus tells us those who love him obey his commands. The evil espoused and championed by mainstream "Christianity", from Constantine to Gaza, screams that "Christianity" as is commonly practiced and understood has absolutely nothing to do with either Jesus or God.

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That was and interesting observation, as I just read the first chapter of "The confessions of St. Augustine". I, like yourself pray that the many prodigal sons will return to the old paths, and seek God first and foremost. The introspection's of past history and personal experiences tends to find that whatever we think we know, we still don't know as we ought. The deliberate dumbing down of America and the world by designing men and women also has the reciprocal effect of repentance and a return to Common Law and Common sense. The vanity of men and their temporal gratuities has it's limitations, unlike the God that we are called to serve, with whom, all things are possible.

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"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." Daniel 12:9-10 (KJV)

This Scripture passage may provide some insight into the author's (Mr. Kullander's) pondering the similarities between the times in which Jesus lived and the early Christians and the current times in which we live and why many are becoming strong believers in the Messiah promised by God in the Bible.

What is the purpose of human existence? The Bible teaches that we are here to make a choice between the two Kingdoms.

The physical world we are currently in is a small subset of a larger spiritual world (John 4:23-24)(Ephesians 6:11-12)(Colossians 1:12-17) in which there are only two kingdoms: the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan (John 1:5)(1 Corinthians 6:9-20)(Galatians 5:16-26)(Ephesians 2:1-10)(Ephesians 5:1-20)(1 Thessalonians 5:4-5)(1 John 1:5-7). The spiritual world is real, and it dominates/rules the physical world.

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of light, life, truth, and righteousness. It consist of the Godhead(Acts 17:29)(Romans 1:20)(Colossians 2:9). One God in three (co-existent)(co-eternal)(co-equal) persons. A Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7). For example, the plural pronoun for "us" is used in scripture (Genesis 1:26) (Genesis 3:22)(Genesis 11:7)(Isaiah 6:8). The members of the Godhead/Trinity are distinguished one from another in various scripture (Isaiah 48:16)(Isaiah 61:1)(Matthew 3:16-17)(Matthew 28:19)(John 14:16-18)(Acts 19:1-8)(1 Corinthians 2:10-13)(2 Corinthians 13:14). The Kingdom of God also consists of God's hierarchy of holy spiritual beings/heavenly hosts (i.e. angels, seraphim, cherubim) and all humans who have accepted Jesus as God's Christ/Messiah as atonement for sin (Genesis 3:24)(Job 38:7)(Psalm 104:4)(Isaiah 6:1-3)(Ezekiel 1)(Ezekiel 10)(Hebrews 1-2)(Revelation 4 & 5).

The Kingdom of Satan is a kingdom of darkness, death, lies/deceit, unrighteousness. It consists of:

Lucifer/Satan/The Devil (Isaiah 14:12-21)(Ezekiel 28:12-19)(John 8:44)(John 10:10)(2 Corinthians

11:14)(Hebrews 2:14)(1 Peter 5:8)(1 John 3:8 & 12)(Revelation 12:7-10). The Kingdom of Satan

also consists of Satan's hierarchy of unholy spiritual beings (i.e. fallen angels, demons/devils,

principalities, powers, rulers of darkness)(Matthew 9:32-34)(Matthew 12:22-30)(Colossians 1:12-

17)(Ephesians 6:10-18)(Jude 6). In addition, the Kingdom of Satan also consists of all those humans

who have not accepted or have rejected Jesus as God's Christ Messiah as atonement for their sin

(Romans 1:18-32)(Romans 3:1-20. (Ephesians 2:1-3)(Jude 4-5).

This is what makes up the larger spiritual world which is over top of the smaller physical world

which we are now living in.

We are born into a temporary body/flesh (vehicle) which houses our soul/spirit (Genesis 2:7)

(Genesis 2:21-23)(Genesis 6:3)(Proverbs 20:27)(Ezekiel 18:4 & 20)(1 Corinthians 15:44-47)(1

Thessalonians 5:23)(Hebrews 4:12). Through Adam/Eve's sin we have a genetic inheritance of

sin/corruption (not total holiness/righteousness) required by God to enter into his holy presence of

Light. During our lifetime we are here to choose either to join the Kingdom of Light (God through

Jesus Christ) or join the Kingdom of Darkness (Satan). The only way to enter into the Kingdom of

Light (God) is through belief that Jesus is the Son of God and that he came to earth, died to redeem us from our sins, rose from the grave, and is now seated at the right hand of God (interceding on our behalf through our prayers). Belief is through our faith. That is, Jesus went to the cross to liberate us from the power of Satan. He suffered and died in our place to set us free. This is true salvation, the vicarious or substitutionary atonement which destroyed the hold that sin has over us. We appropriate this astounding gift solely through faith in his death and resurrection. Then, upon leaving this earth, we will live with him in eternity. Our good works won't save us. All attempts to save ourselves by other means are futile. We don't yet see into the spirit world as we will after death (Romans 8:19-23). We must choose God/Jesus otherwise by default we join the Kingdom of Darkness. (John 3:1-21)(Romans 3)(Romans 5)(Romans 10)(Ephesians 2:8-9)(1 John 5).

It's all about choice. God isn't a tyrant. God wants love that is genuine and not coerced. God gives

us a free will to choose to love and serve him or to choose temporary earthly pleasures in this

physical world which is fully controlled by Satan and his minions. This earth and (our body) is only

our temporary abode. Our soul/spirit is immortal and never loses consciousness after death of the

physical body. Immediately, after death (based on our choice) we are either in the presence of the

God (The Lord Jesus Christ) or in Hell (total darkness/isolation) without God in torment with all

others who also chose Satan's Kingdom. (Daniel 12:2)(Matthew 5:29-30)(Luke16:19-31)(1

Corinthians 15:35-50)(Hebrews 9:27-28).

Originally, Hell/Lake of Fire was designed only for Satan and his unholy minions after they rebelled

against God. After the rebellion, God held a trial for Satan and his minions, and they were sentence

to Hell/Lake of Fire/ eternal damnation. However, Satan accused God of being unfair to his created

immortal beings and God mercifully put a temporary stay of execution on the sentence (Matthew

25:41)(Jude 6)(Revelation 20:10-15). God then created humanity to declare/prove his righteousness

to all the spiritual beings. God is showing the spiritual beings that everyone has a choice to serve him or rebel and sin (Psalm 89:1-8)(Romans 3:21-31)(Galatians 3:16-29)(Hebrews 12:1-2)(Revelation


This is a long spiritual battle between God and Satan involving a hierarchy of spiritual and

physical beings. We are just part of a much greater whole. Each human makes a choice (whether

they realize it or not). This is my understanding of the Biblical account of the purpose of our

existence. (Revelation 4:11) .

I am no longer surprised by any information (i.e., political, financial, scientific, medical, environmental, societal, cultural, religious, etc.). I am convinced, there is a much greater plan afoot.

President H.W. Bush referred to it in several speeches as "The Ancient Hope". He also referred to it

in several speeches as "a New World Order" as did Henry Kissinger and President George W. Bush.

More recently this plan has been called "The Great Reset" based on the book by Klaus Schwab. It is

really the plan/conspiracy for a global "One World" government by a Luciferian/Satanic elite cabal.

This cabal of the ruling class/elites and others in positions of power have chosen to side with

Lucifer/Satan for worldly success/power/fame/money, etc. The first attempt for a global "one world" government was by Nimrod at the tower of Babel (Genesis 10:8-10)(Genesis 11).

Currently, we are living in the time of the emergence of the end of the final age described throughout the Bible (Daniel 12:4) (Romans 1:18:-32)(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12) (1 Timothy 4:1-3)(2 Timothy 3:1- 9 & 13)(2 Timothy 4:3-4)(1 John 4:1-4) which leads to the second return of Jesus Christ (John 14:1-3)(1 Corinthians 15: 20-28)(1 Corinthians 15:51-58)(1Thessalonians 4:13-18) (1 Thessalonians 5) (Hebrews 9:28) (Revelation 19:7-16).

Jesus came the first time as the Son of God, Promised Christ/Messiah. He came as the redeemer to

atone for sin. Sin is transgression of the law of God and rebellion against God. Jesus died as a sacrifice for our sins, was buried, rose again, conquered death and gained eternal life with God in heaven. If we believe Jesus is who he said he was (the Son of God, the promised Christ/Messiah) and that he atoned for our sins,and we repent (change our mind/turn from our sins) we have forgiveness. We then have eternal lifeand citizenship in the Kingdom of Light / Heaven. (John 3:16-21)(Romans 3:19-31)(Romans 5:1-21)( Romans 10:9-13)(1 Corinthians 15:1-4)(Galatians 1:3-4)(Galatians 3:16-29)(Ephesians 2:8-9)(1John 5:1-13).

The final earth age will culminate with the second return of Jesus as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" (Revelation 19-20). He will judge & destroy the Luciferian/Satanic commercial religionized world- system (Isaiah 14)(Isaiah 47)(Jeremiah 4:22-31)(Zechariah 5)(Revelation 14:8)(Revelation 17-18) which God has allowed to reign over this physical world since the time of Adam/Eve's sin.

Here's a link to a document for the current times in which we all find ourselves. This document discusses many topics (i.e. the History of Israel, the Oral Traditions of the Elders, the Talmud, the Kabbalah, the World Zionist Organization, Chabad Lubavitch, the Written Torah vs. the Oral Torah, Judaism, the six -pointed-star/ hexagram, the Ancient Nation of Israel vs. the Modern State of Israel, Noahide Laws, etc..) https://www.eaec.org/The-Hidden-History-of-the-Antichrist--Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews--Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf

If the link doesn't work try typing it into google.

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Jim, I commend your courage in revealing the deep internal shifts that most people (those who have them) keep hidden. My own relationship to Christianity is complicated. I was raised in a deeply Christian family and social milieu, and had a heartfelt faith as a child. But as time went by and I learned more about the world, I felt I had grown beyond such faith. Not that I need sure knowledge -- rather, I find transcendence in the unanswerable questions. I'm a bit challenged now by people around me or in the media I consume, who are talking about making a shift to Christianity. I feel a bit baffled; I just keep wanting to ask them why. Occasionally I get answers -- of which your column is one, in part. But I end up with more questions, the kind that really need a face to face conversation, not a cyberspace text exchange.

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Good stuff.

About the "kingdome of God" -- is that in Seattle?

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The word "kingdome" is spelled like that in the Geneva Bible, from which the quote was taken. The Geneva Bible was first printed in 1560.

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No foolin'? TIL...

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Thank you James for another great essay. You're helping me understand myself. Most impactful was your distinguishing between Christianity and Buddhism. 🤜🤛

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Jesus is not a Jew - never was - a Jew is NOT a Hebrew or an Israelite - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2024/12/jesus-was-not-jew-by-biblicism-institute.html?m=0 - words do not always define things - they often obfuscate - but I understand it won't convince those with concrete for brains........BTW - that included me...before I started reading.....and reading..... and learn from others who had done the hard work of research and discovery - www.crushlimbraw.com - it wasn't until AFTER I put my ego in my back pocket that I discovered a whole world of knowledge - it's a learning thing - most folks know little more than what they knew in eighth grade - but they're adamant about it - kinda explains a whole lot about DaShitShow we're in now!

If you go through your own process of discovery - no spoon feeding - you should come to see that Jesus was not kidding when He called the Pharisees the Synagogue of Satan - children of the father of lies - which is Judaism today! But don't believe me - prove it for yourself!

Good hunting!

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Yes, Modern Jews follow the Babylonian Talmud and not the Torah. The current government in Israel are populated with Satanic Jews similar to their fathers during Jesus's Life.

In the Talmud are the 7 Noahide Laws and not the 10 Commandments given to Moses.

They, the Government of Israel, murder and steal from Palestinian Muslims and Palestinian Christians.

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