Oh, goodness! Thank you for this.

I've read Peck's "Road" series...and thought I might still have them around here somewhere. This piece got me out of my chair to look for them. Having moved twice in under a year they might be around here...somewhere. Still in boxes? Maybe, but the book that is on the bookcase behind me?

"People of the Lie."

I read it years ago, and I remember that story about the two boys and the parents who "gifted" the same gun to the younger. Truly, truly demented, soulless, and stupid to the point of evil.

That story about the guy who hired you for your photography skills -- and then makes a verbal pass at you? To then cheat you? I think many of us can relate to that. Disgusting. And yet that kind of conduct, manifesting in various ways, seems everywhere.

We can point to many examples of how this country and its crime syndicate disguised as a government has participated in destruction here and around the world. For me, the turning point was Sep 11.

An utterly absurd story that ironically documented criminal negligence, incompetence, failure at every turn. The use of that story as pretext resulted in the murder and destruction of millions that had absolutely nothing do with it. The destruction of liberty here...All without any repercussions for those documented to have failed miserably and criminally!

I said repeatedly (as someone who worked on "9/11 Truth" for over a decade) that if that story was not seen for what it was and Americans don't oppose what has been done it its name, that sh*t is gonna come back around. And when it does? It'll bring this country to the brink. Well, it did come back around and it was called?

The COVID operation...With Americans falling for that garbage just as they had the garbage story of Sep 11. Both stories reeking with lies and liars...caused by 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 doers resulting in murder, suffering, death, and 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 the world over.

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I could not agree with you more about the 9/11 garbage. Although I’d known long before 9/11 that there were nefarious characters up to no good in our government, 9/11 was for me, like for you, a turning point.

I suspected something was not right about what we were being told even that fateful morning as I watched the endless replays of videos of the towers collapsing into twin heaps of explosive, controlled-demolition ashes while George Bush was pretending to be interested in a reading class at an elementary school far away from the scene of the crime in Sarasota, Florida when then-Chief of Staff Andrew Card Jr. whispers into his ear what has happened, after which Bush continues to sit there and pretend. I watched the videos of that many times, too. What a ruse. And how evil.

The thing is, once you see something as patently as obvious as all of that, it’s impossible not to see how our government, as well as governments around much of the so-called free world, have for decades not been our friend despite what they tell us. This was so obvious to me with the COVID psyop that I was shocked when it began and remain shocked to this day that so many people fell for it and continue to believe the lies.

Regarding my experience with the photographer, I have to wonder if there were many more of instances of similar things going on with others all those years ago when it was not so readily talked about.

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One thing that I observed about the 911 fable is that so many young men volunteered for the military based on their acceptance of that pile of lies. It has become a common thread in the writings of many of those young men who "served" in the wars that were spinoffs of the 911 fictions, that they feel betrayed for the way they were used by "The System".

I wonder how many have come to realize that it's as bad to allow oneself to be used as it is to use others?

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Actually - you've merely scratched the surface - most of the evil displayed in this world is much more subtle. We're just shown the worst, which allows them to easily hide the more widespread behavior of the 'good people'. How so?

Why are we perplexed and discouraged? Who's the god of this world? Read - https://becomingchristians.com/2014/08/06/who-is-really-the-god-of-this-world-6-scriptures-show-the-answer/ - and that is just for starters.

Now let's really dig deeper - DaSynagogue of Satan - as named by Jesus Himself - is REAL. However, most secularists and churchgoers either dismiss it or ASSume it to be just Halloweenish displays - which is the very reason for DSOS's apparent non-existence - after all, how can you accuse someone or something that doesn't exist, right?

This might be true or at least distorted by the narrators - sort of like watching a horror movie. What it also might be is a distraction from a much larger and more prevalent problem - the unseen and much more subtle direction implemented by servants of Satan without even their knowledge. How so?

There is historical evidence which most folks simply are incapable of comprehending, unless or until their eyes are opened to see a dimension to life that is invisible to most. I call it DaGAP.

It is becoming increasingly evident to me that the big question has to be: How is it possible for all the evil work carried out by what we label DaDeepState all over the world, even considering the financial incentives involved to the co-conspirators and their natural propensities for evil - all coordinated with seemingly amazing effectiveness for centuries?

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/09/the-gap-in-understanding-world-affairs.html?m=0 - no, this isn't about spiritual nonsense - it's about REALITY - for both secularists and churchians!

The Apostle Paul spelled that out clearly in Ephesians.

And if you're wondering who the hell am I to even begin challenging the established narratives of today, here's the beginning - www.crushlimbraw.com - it is NOT for casual readers. You can tread lightly at first, but if you're not willing to commit your whole life to it - after challenging our own fables and delusions - maybe whining is our best option.

We were put on this earth for a purpose - so DO OUR JOB!

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I read Peck's book Glimpses of the Devil in 2020.


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Years ago I read (and own) both books by Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D., "The Road Less Traveled" and "People of the Lie." Thank you for sharing this story; it resonates. I agree wholeheartedly.

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I think your example from Vietnam is one of countless examples of the "group think" mentality of those interlopers and usurpers that covet what belongs to their neighbors and will invent any pretext to justify themselves to each other, instead of that single helicopter pilot that challenged "The Narrative". Ergo, the organized criminals in government use CPS with LEO's to steal and sell whole families with the sanctions of the courts turning a blind eye to the human trafficking (slavery) that they refuse to address. Although Parental Rights should have been covered by the ninth amendments other unenumerated rights or the fourth amendment should have applied to both individual and family autonomy, experience has shown me that organized evil has no respect for private and personal boundaries, hence, Victors Justice. I can only make reference to "The" government as opposed to identifying it as "Our" government. I do not share their interest in "Stealing and Dealing, Lying and Denying". But the narrative is all that matters to those vampires sucking the lifeblood out of this country.

And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." Genesis 4:10


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Excellent read, I’ll be checking out Peck’s books now. Thank you!

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Good opening story again! And yes, the photographer's evil was in his lies and vindictiveness, not his sexual preference. Difficult spot for the young you!

I was raised with a literal interpretation of scripture, in which God the Father and His Son Jesus were exalted yet physical humanoid beings (the Holy Ghost was more of a mystery, but still a literal being), which meant that Satan/Lucifer/the Devil was also a literal being, humanoid as well, although without a physical body. As I grew up and learned about the many wisdom traditions of the world, I graduated from the "literal" school, and I rejected belief systems in general. The Mystery is vast and inspiring without needing answers. And existence itself requires both Dark and Light, both Figure and Ground. You can't have One without the Other.

I think photographically or cinematically... so whenever someone uses the terms "God" or "Satan" I immediately wonder to myself (I don't usually ask aloud), "What mental picture does he or she see when they use that term? A human face? A loving father, a mean brother?"

I don't deny that anything could be possible, but I'm always on guard against anthropomorphizing cosmic forces or even spiritual entities. Of course, it's what we do as humans -- storytelling is how we create reality, and stories need characters. And calling something "myth" does not deny its metaphysical truth.

What is actually happening in cases of banal everyday human evil, and in cases of apparent demonic possession? And even at the scale of global, governmental/corporate death-dealing? I don't think anyone really knows. But it's real.

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Thank you, Brent, for your kind words and thoughtful comment. I think the spirit of good (God) and the spirit of evil (Satan) need human agency to manifest their intentions. According to the Christian tradition, God became man in Jesus and thus was God’s representative, so to speak, here on earth walking among us. Satan, or the demonic, too, is a spiritual energy that can only act through humans. Thus demonic possession. So, whatever anyone comes up with to graphically picture Satan and God is just a cartoon caricature. But the energies in both instances—the divine and the demonic—are indeed real. My understanding of Peck is that he would agree.

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Yes, I suspect you're right about Peck. And most Christian intellectuals. That is, we're talking about energies. I do have a concern that the cartoon caricatures of these energies are ubiquitous among the masses of believers who think in literal terms, and thus miss the point. I hope I'm wrong about that.

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Well, energies, yes. BUT, the question is "where do these energies come from?" Are they just whipping around, the latest manifestations of The Big Bang in a ridiculously coincidental, happenstance universe? Or, are they directed by beings that we cannot see? For just one example, we know that our vision represents a very small part of the visual spectrum. There's a lot more to the world right around us to see that we know is there (some animals and insects can see some of these things that we cannot) but we can't prove with a very limited materialistic scientific perspective. If we can't measure it, it can't exist, kind of thing. We have to break out of this kind of limited thinking if there's any hope for humanity. And, yes, as Willy the Shake reminded us, there's a hell of a lot more things in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophies. For example, several gazillion non-physical beings who interpenetrate every square inch of the known Universe and then some. Understanding and interacting consciously with these beings is the next adventure of human consciousness. Something to do with frequency and vibration. For another example, during Vietnam the U.S. military was experimenting with red night vision goggles. "Red" because the goggles were using the red frequency which is a low frequency. If you looked through them, everything in the world looked red. The only problem with these low red light frequency goggles is that the soldiers wearing them started going mad. They said that they were seeing demons all around them. You know, demons that kinda looked like our cartoon character demons. The U.S. military ended the use of these goggles and developed goggles that utilize the higher green and white light frequencies. Problem solved. And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. A big part of this oncoming revelation of these beings who share the universe with us will, most probably, have to do with thought. As in, where do ideas, good or bad, come from? You know, like those cartoon angels and devils on our shoulders. People who have used psychedelics know that fixating on a bad idea is a great way to have a bum trip. One bad thought just leads to another and another until you end up in a kind of hell. And that's why surrounding the "tripper" with positive things, like a flower garden or gentle music helps "direct" the tripper's attention in a positive manner. But, again, we're not talking just about energies that have no consciousness or motivation. We're talking about beings. In any case, we're on the doorstep of a lot of revelations. Ready or not, here it comes!

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